President Trump 'expected' to wear mask during hospital visit

President Trump 'expected' to wear mask during hospital visit

IS President Donald Trump has said he expects to wear a mask during a visit to a hospital in Washington DC and a meeting with soldiers and paramedics.

In an interview with the American TV channel Fox News, President Trump said that "wearing a mask is not a problem if it is comfortable."

"I expect to wear a mask during a visit to Walter Reid (Army Medical Center)."

"If you are in a hospital, it is necessary to do so," he said.

"I have no problem wearing a mask."

President Trump has never been seen wearing a mask in public, which has led to criticism. In an interview with Fox News last week, he said, "They also support wearing masks if they are stuck in a crowd."

President Trump has also avoided making it mandatory to wear a mask in public, even though the United States has been hit hardest by the corona virus.

2:Is there a risk of another lockdown in India?

More than 26,000 new patients emerged in India on Friday, after which the lockdown was re-imposed in the state of Uttar Pradesh. At the same time, most factories have been shut down.

So far, about 800,000 people in the country have been infected with the corona virus and at least 21,000 people have died.

India is the third most affected country in the world. New Delhi, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu account for 60% of the total cases in India.

The corona virus has left a large number of people unemployed in India. The economic situation of the country is as bad as other countries. That's why the lockdown was eased to open up the economy and restore business life. However, since then, the situation has become more complicated.

A nine-day curfew has been imposed in the industrial city of Aurangabad in the Indian state of Maharashtra due to the spread of the virus.

3:The first door-to-door code in the UK - 19 Tests

Britain's first corona virus door-to-door tests have been launched in Leicester, England.

NHS teams and volunteers are also distributing test kits to people in the city who have no symptoms.

Leicester was locked down on June 29 after a sharp rise in Corona virus cases.

Deepa Chauhan, who has been tested under the scheme, says it was "very simple but strange".

The city's mayor, Sir Peter Solsby, said more testing was the only way to prevent an infection.

4:Why can't pregnant or expectant mothers donate plasma?

A plasma bank has been set up in the Indian capital, New Delhi, to deal with the corona virus epidemic.

Plasma therapy was approved in India for the treatment of patients with corona virus and is now being used to treat patients suffering from the virus.

The Plasma Bank to be set up in New Delhi for the treatment of corona is the first of its kind in the country. The bank is housed in the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences Hospital. It is hoped that with the help of Plasma Bank, it will be easier for patients to get plasma.

5:Increased cosmetic surgery during epidemics

In many cosmetic surgery clinics around the world, more people have turned to treatment for the corona virus outbreak, because, according to many patients, they can hide their treatment during this time.

Although many businesses around the world remained closed during this time, plastic surgery clinics remained open after the strictest measures to prevent code-19, such as code-19 tests and repeated cleaning measures.

Clinics in the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Australia have seen an increase in the number of people seeking lip fillers, Botox, face lifts, and nose beautification.

Aaron Hernandez, who has had lip fillers and cheek fat loss from a Los Angeles clinic, told the WWN: I had a chance to recover.

"Fixing your lips is not something that all men want to do, so some people may find it different. So I decided that what I really needed to do was learn how to do it right.

6:A World Health Organization team has arrived in China to begin an investigation into the transmission of the corona virus to humans

عالمی ادارہ صحت کی ترجمان نے بتایا ہے کہ ماہرین کی ٹیم جمعے کے روز چین روانہ ہو گئی ہے جہاں وہ اس بارے میں تحقیقات کریں گے کہ کورونا وائرس کا پھیلاؤ اور اس کی انسانوں میں منتقلی کی ابتدا کیسے ہوئی۔
اگلے دو روز میں عالمی ادارہ صحت کے دو ماہرین جو حیوانیات اور وبائیات میں ماہر ہیں چینی سائنسدانوں کے ساتھ مل کر اس تحقیق کی وسعت اور اپنے دوروں کے شیڈول ترتیب دیں گے۔
خیال رہے کہ سائنسدانوں کی جانب سے یہ خدشہ ظاہر کیا گیا ہے کہ یہ وائرس چمگادڑ سے انسانوں میں منتقل ہوا تھا۔
عالمی ادارہ صحت کی ترجمان مارگریٹ ہیرس کی جانب سے جاری بیان میں کہا گیا ہے کہ ان دو ماہرین کو چین پہلے بھیجنے کا مقصد تحقیقات کی وسعت کے حوالے سے فیصلے کرنا ہے۔
انھوں نے کہا کہ عالمی ادارہ صحت اس آزادانہ پینل میں کوئی مداخلت نہیں کرے گا جو جمعرات کے روز سے دنیا بھر میں کووڈ 19 کی وبا سے نمٹنے کے حوالے سے ردِ عمل کا جائزہ لے گا۔

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